
Have you ever wondered who Lois Creek is named for or when different neighborhoods of Kimberley were settled?

Are you curious and would like to know what types of social or sporting activities took place in Kimberley's past?

Perhaps your interest lies with delving into the vast history of mining activity which occurred in our area.

If you have 3 hours a week to spare, why not become a Museum Volunteer!

Volunteers do a variety of tasks ranging from acting as a Guide in the Museum Exhibition Rooms, using the Archives to do research on a wide range of topics, or investigating a topic of their own interest.

If interested in Volunteering please contact the Museum at 105 Spokane Street, call us at: 250-427-7510 or email us at kdhs@shawbiz.ca

The Kimberley District Heritage Society was formed in 1978, building funds were raised and space allocated in the new museum/library, which opened May, 1980 and continues to serve the community.

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